Christian Educator’s Network
(CEN) Christian Educators Network calls together all Christian Educators in Greater Cleveland and beyond: superintendents, principals, teachers, coaches, clerks, security guards, librarians, etc. Facilitates Monthly Fellowships for Christian Educators from all school districts to come together to be equipped, empowered and encouraged by united prayer for and with one another, sharing resources, experiences and ideas on how to make a positive difference on their Campus for Christ!
(CEN) coordinates and connects educators to periodic trainings on topics such as: how to work with Community Churches and Ministries, what are Christians Educators rights (do’s and don’ts) on School Campuses, suicide prevention and intervention, how to build partnerships with and help equip parents, etc. (CEN) is in partnership with the Christian Educators Association International.
Christian Educator’s Network
CEN helps to coordinate, equip and encourage
Teachers to gather for prayer at their schools
Teachers In-School Prayer Groups List
(And Growing)
Dike School of the Arts Daily 8:00am
Euclid HS Wednesdays 7:00am
John F. Kennedy HS Daily 8:15am
(JFK PACT & JFK Eagle Academy)
Christian Educator’s Network