Meet Gail R. Reese
Gail Reese is a wife and mother of three adult children and grandmother of 5 grandchildren. At the age of 17, Gail received Jesus Christ as her Savior and Lord through the ministry of Pastor Willie J. & Virgie Reese and was filled with the Holy Spirit 11 months later.
Gail received her call into the ministry at the age of 19yrs. old and has labored faithfully, publicly speaking and ministering in churches, schools and institutions. She has served faithfully at her church, Evangelistic Temple of Faith where she served as Director of Journalism for 9yrs. She helped to compose and distribute an intercessory prayer power newsletter that ministered to the Body of Christ as well as the unsaved. It reached out to people in their homes, prisons and youth institutions in various cities throughout the United States. She still serves at her church in the areas of Evangelism and Youth Ministry. She is an ordained minister, teacher and evangelist and began serving as an elder in 1990.
In 1987 Gail heard God’s call to help reach the entire city of Cleveland, to help ignite Revival and Citywide Evangelism! She served in various leadership roles in numerous citywide evangelistic ministry outreaches and initiatives, some of which included: The Leadership Team of Cleveland 1990, Co-Chairing the Youth Committee of the 1994 NE Ohio Billy Graham Crusade, A Committee Member of Mission Cleveland, Morris Cerullo’s Mission to Cleveland, The Book of Hope Distribution, Convoy of Hope, the Anti-Drug Crusade, Concerts of Prayer and the Ohio State Task Force of the National Day of Prayer, serving as the Regional Administrator overseeing several Counties in the State of Ohio.
Gail also served as the Organizer of the Taking Jesus To The Streets March in 1990 and March For Jesus Greater Cleveland from 1993 to 1999. She also served for several years as a Regional Coordinator for March For Jesus USA assisting the states of: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and Kentucky. She was on staff with Greater Cleveland Youth For Christ serving from 1994 to 2003 and served on the Committee of Just Give Me Jesus Ohio 2002. She served as the Cleveland Coordinator for Cleveland’s 1st Class of the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative, a 15 month scholarshipped training program for Youth Workers in 2007-2008. She was asked to give leadership to the Youth Pre-program of the Cleveland Praisefest and served for several years. She also served as a Program Coordinator for the Greater Cleveland YMCA’S Teen Court/Leaders Club Program for several years. She served for several years as a member of the Advisory Ministry Council of the National Network of Youth Ministries. She served as the publisher of YO (Youth Outreach) Magazine. A magazine predominately written by youth, about and for youth. She served as the organizer of Young Adults Kingdom Solutions that engaged and equipped Young Adults to discover, develop and use their God-given gifts to help ignite revival, spiritual awakening and transformation in their communities and cities.
She is currently the Co-founder and Executive Director of the Ministry of Reconciliation, with the initiative of Blanketing Our Cities with Prayer and The Gospel Of Jesus Christ. An initiative to work in love and unity with the Body of Christ giving special assistance to Pastors in the areas of Revival, Evangelism and Discipleship of all ages in Cleveland, NE Ohio and beyond. She serves Pastors and assists various Pastoral Ministerial Alliances of different denominations. She equips Churches in the adopt-a-school initiative and in a Goals For Souls & Prayer Mobilization initiative to adopt streets to Pray for and Share the Gospel with Every Person, in Every Family, on Every Street, in Every Community!!!
She networks and partners with Church and Para-church children and youth ministries (such as Church Children & Youth Pastors & Directors, Youth For Christ, Young Life, Fellowship Of Christian Athletes, ASAP the All School Assembly Program, Child Evangelism Fellowship, Capturing Children for Christ, Awana, etc.), to help foster the spiritual growth of Christian children and youth and develop student leaders as well as reach those that are unsaved, sponsoring various initiatives such as Back To School Prayer Rallies, Young Warriors For Christ Student Leader Trainings & Fellowships, True Love Waits Campaign and more. It also serves to encourage and equip children and youth workers for effectiveness and longevity of ministry. She serves as the Director of the Northeast Ohio Adopt-A-School Network and the Stop The Violence Campaign.
Since being born again, Gail has always had an ever-intensifying desire to intercede in prayer for others, to reach the lost at any cost and to disciple and encourage new babes in Christ to grow in the Lord! In as much, she is committed to give ample time in prayer. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, she has a burning desire to reach the people in her city seeing Cleveland as her Jerusalem, a place to begin, but always holding a world vision in her heart through Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-20 and Acts 1:8. Gail has always looked for and seized opportunities by the Grace of God to reach people outside of the church, of all ages and race, especially young people. She has taken the Gospel to many people on the streets, in homes, prisons, mental institutions, hospitals, nursing homes, holding crusades and by any other means available consistent with the character of God. Her greatest desire is to be “Just Like Jesus” ministering to the needs of the people spiritually, physically, financially, mentally and socially!