Young Adults
Kingdom Solutions
Y.A.K.S. Young Adults Kingdom Solutions: “Young Adults UNITING ALL AGES and ETHNICITIES to EXPERIENCE CHRIST and TRANSFORM their communities and the world, through the LOVE of CHRIST” Y.A.K.S. (single, married, with and without children) from diverse backgrounds, different Churches and Para-Church Ministries gather periodically, uniting in love: to experience God’s presence together through prayer, worship, bible study, fellowship, discipleship, and evangelism. enhancing their Spiritual Growth.
Some of the Y.A.K.S. Ministry Focus Areas are:
Christian Unity and Worship: Working toward greater multiethnic and multicultural unity in Christ between our Churches and Para-Ministries across our communities/cities and being led by the Holy Spirit in fostering greater revival and deeper worship, both in our individual congregations as well as in multi-church and city-wide gatherings, efforts, and events
Intercession: Mobilizing United Intercessory Prayer: equipping believers to learn to pray and uniting believers to join together (Prayer Conference Calls, United Prayer Gatherings, etc.) With One Accord in Prayer for one another and the communities/cities they live in and where their Church/Ministry is planted.
Tutoring & Mentoring our Youth: Working to ensure that all youth saved and unsaved in our communities are being cared for, tutored, and mentored in Jesus’ Name especially the disadvantaged. Implementing various intergenerational programs
Poverty-Hunger-Homelessness: Laboring to feed, clothe, house, encourage, and strengthen the poor and the least advantaged among us – our children thru the elderly (senior citizens)
Community Relations, Policing, & Law Enforcement: Helping to bridge the divide, implementing ways to foster understanding as well as processes to bring about peace between law enforcement officials and the people who live in our communities that they serve
Community Health, Mental Health, and Victorious Life: Working in Jesus’ Name toward the physical, mental and emotional healing for continued wellness of the people in our communities, and the psychological freedom of those struggling with addictions (alcohol and drugs, etc.)
Y.A.K.S. comes alongside and assists various ministries region-wide, that are ministering with kingdom solutions in the above Focus Areas.
Young Adults – Kingdom Solutions
Young Adults Kingdom Solutions